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What happened to Ayushi Yadav of delhi?

 Ayushi was murdered by her father Nitish (46) because she married her lover without her parents’ permission. Which makes it a case of honor killing. (It is yet to be confirmed if casteism was another reason for the murder since Ayushi’s husband is of a different caste) Ayushi Yadav (22) was studying BCA in Janakpuri. Her parents called her disobedient. She married Chatrapal Gujjar (22) from Bharatpur, Rajasthan in Oct 2021. Nitish and his wife Brajbala were against this marriage. Ayushi used to meet Chatrapal secretly and stayed away from her parents for a while, which elevated their fury. On Nov 17, when Ayushi returned home, Brajbala suggested her to stay away from Chatrapal. This led to a verbal spat leading Brajbala to Nitish. He reached home and began arguing with Ayushi. Following the argument, he shot at Ayushi’s head and chest with his licensed revolver. Their son was at school when the murder happened. The next day, during early hours, the couple stuffed Ayushi’s body in ...

What is the harsh truth?

 A few days ago I was travelling from WestBengal to New Delhi by train in Sleeper class.

I saw many hawkers but this old man drew my attention.

He was selling Aligarh’s locks (famous for lock industries). And few people had started bargaining but this old man stuck to the price quoted.

I was surprised to see as to why they were bargaining, after a few minutes he stood in front of me. I was shocked to see him as “he was blind”

After a few minutes, I bought a lock from him without any bargaining not because he was blind and old but he really inspired me.


Nowadays, we give up so easily, sometimes we cry for some girl who left us, or we cry because we are not that good looking and sometimes because no one is supporting us etc. And these thoughts become part of our life and eventually ruin everything.

Just look at that old man, he could resort to some other ways to earn money like begging because we notice many young people with disabilities start begging in public areas to support their livelihood. But this man chose the correct way to support his life.

Beside us, a UP police constable was sitting and he told that this man is working from the last 10 to 15 years constantly.

We always believe in making excuses and think that only our life is filled with problems, why we are not getting success fast. We find thousands of reasons to avoid work but never find a single reason to do that. And this is the harsh truth of life. It depends on us how we look at our problems.

“If you don’t give up, you still have a chance to Win. Giving up is the biggest Failure.”
